Friday, March 7, 2008

What a difference

a ( sunny ) day makes. The snowdrops are officially in bloom .

And look what else is blooming : I needed a few thin sticks to tie up some freesias in the greenhouse and used some prunings from the apple trees. Stuck them in the flower pot and voila ! I present the blooming plant support. Makes me feel like Moses in the Bible - wasn't he given a stick and when he stuck it in the ground it burst into bloom ? Hhmm, I don't think you need to worry until I start handing out Commandments....

And just because the toddler Stashbuster socks were so much fun to knit, I am making myself a pair.They are addictive - what a great pattern. It's a great way to use up all the leftover bits of yarn in your stash - hence, Stashbusters.


Emlyn Stancill Whitin said...

Stashbusters?! I LOVE it!! Share the pattern immediately!! (Now who's handing out Commandments, ha ha.) And guess who is dragging me to church on Sunday? That's right. My upstanding citizen of an almost 5 year old. Phew. How am I going to retain my bad %$# reputation once I'm seen warming the pews at Brown Memorial?!

Regina said...
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Regina said...

The pattern for the Stashbusters can be found by clicking on the highlighted word " pattern" in the text.

Regina said...

The pattern for the Stashbusters can be found by clicking on the highlighted word " pattern" in the text.