Monday, October 15, 2007

Local ? yes Inexpensive ? No !!

Well, here is the breakdown for T's fish dinner.

Fish, caught by son-in-law $0
Fine for parking in a Handicapped Parking Spot $ 202.00
Towing car to impoundment lot $ 204.00
Fee charged for using a credit card to get car out of hock ( what the...? ) $ 24.50

Total $ 431.00

R' s new hairdo and sad expression - priceless !

And yes, the car is ok and back home in the garage - phew !!!


4 Ranges, RKC said...

Good thing a great tragedy was averted. That's a cute picture of the Rhysie-peasy btw. :)

Emlyn Stancill Whitin said...

Ok, so thanks for outing her name!!! We use "R" and "W" thank you very much!