Monday, April 20, 2009

By request

I seem to have become a vegetarian quite by accident. This didn't happen out of some moral imperative not to eat our fellow creatures, but because I just didn't feel like eating meat any more.
So now everyone wants to know , what do you eat ? Well, here's the lunch I had yesterday :

Carrot patties with a mixed salad and a strawberry dessert - looks good, doesn't it ? And it tastes even better than it looks.

Carrot Patties
( serves 1 since Mr. RFD still eats meat, see previous post )
1 small carrot
1 small potato
1 T whole wheat flour
1 egg
fresh lovage and chives, chopped fine
a grating of nutmeg ( don't even think about using pre-grated, powdered ,in a box nutmeg !)
salt & pepper
1 t olive oil
Grate the carrot and potato and mix with the flour and egg.
Mix in the herbs and the salt and pepper. Shape small patties and saute in the olive oil until golden brown.I actually made just one huge patty and it fit my little no-stick pan perfectly.
Serve with a lovely , fresh salad of mixed greens, some sliced radishes, a chopped tomato, some sliced carrot, a little minced onion - whatever you have that's fresh and looks pretty. Add lots of fresh chopped herbs and dress with a simple vinaigrette.

The dessert is simply a few strawberries chopped up in the food processor with some yogurt of your choice - my choice is Greek yogurt . I drizzled a little maple syrup on top , decorated with an almond and enjoyed.
The whole meal was very quick to prepare and was really yummy. You can tell it was good since half of it was eaten before the camera came out and I remembered to take a picture !


Acorn Dandelion and Rose said...

Oh, you make it look so good!!! I think I will make this soon for everyone. It's so hard to get inspired by non-asian veg cooking but I would happily sit down to this any day. Your photos are just beautiful. Now I know where R gets it!! An example of the fruit falling two trees away, har har. Please keep posting your success veggie recipes! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos!

Anonymous said...

Dear Regina, I love your blogs. They are so full of family love and kindness. Not to be too touchy feely but they are really sweet. Just what this unhappy world needs.