Saturday, August 25, 2007

Eat Local Challenge

I just joined the Eat Local Challenge for the month of September. I am going to try to eat locally produced food as much as possible for the whole month. The challenge will be to keep it up while traveling to Maine for the last half of the month and while entertaining house guests for at least 3 weeks in September.

I don't think it will be too difficult while we are all still at home ; after all, the garden is producing copious amounts of vegetables and the apples and other fruit should be ripe by then. The difficult part will be finding ethically and locally produced meat and sources for flour, oil and those oh, so convenient ,cold cuts .

I'm doing lots of homework right now, so that we will have a list of restaurants in Maine which serve locally produced food when we are traveling. When in doubt, there's always lobster, right ? How we shall suffer ....

The Eat Local Challenge is a nationwide effort to make people more aware of where their food comes from, how many miles it travels before it gets to the table and how much more delicious it is to eat locally. And who knows, it just might send a message to agribusiness that we don't wish to support some of their practices.

Why don't you consider joining us ?

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